How to Turn Your LinkedIn Company Page Followers into Paying Clients: LinkedoJet’s Connection Extraction

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Hey LinkedIn users!

Tired of struggling to connect with the right people on LinkedIn for your outreach efforts? Want to leverage your existing network to find qualified leads within your LinkedIn company page? We hear you! LinkedoJet's got your back with our new feature.

What is Connection Extraction?

Imagine this: you've a company page on LinkedIn, filled with potential clients. But how do you find the people within your company page who might be interested in your services?

That's where Connection Extraction comes in! This powerful tool takes the legwork out of the equation. Simply provide the details of the LinkedIn Company Page, and LinkedoJet will extract the details of your company page followers who are either your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-degree connections.

Now for the Magic: The Campaigns!

With this valuable list of connections in hand, you can launch highly targeted campaigns. They will be message sequences tailored to the specific connection level you share with each lead.

  • Warm Up Your 1st-Degree Connections with a Drip Campaign: These are your golden contacts – the people you're already connected with on LinkedIn. LinkedoJet will craft a friendly yet targeted welcome message to spark the conversation, followed by a couple of strategically timed follow-ups to keep your message top-of-mind.
  • Expand Your Reach with 2nd & 3rd-Degree Connections- The Connect Invite Campaign: For these connections, LinkedoJet will initiate a connect invite campaign. This starts with a compelling invitation to connect, highlighting the shared connection through the target company. Once connected, a welcome message and additional follow-ups will help build rapport and open doors for further communication.

Why Use Connection Extraction and Campaigns?

This innovative feature offers a multitude of benefits to elevate your LinkedIn outreach:

  • Hyper-Targeted Approach: Forget generic messages and cold outreach! Connect with the most relevant individuals within your network who are already familiar with your company. This shared ground instantly builds trust and increases your chances of getting a positive response.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Save precious time and effort by automating the connection extraction and outreach processes. LinkedoJet does the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on building relationships and converting these connections into paying customers.
  • Increased Engagement: Generic messages get lost in the noise. Our targeted drip campaigns leverage personalization, tailoring the message to the connection level. This fosters better engagement, sparks meaningful conversations, and leads to more responses from potential clients.

Ready to Take Your Outreach to the Next Level?

Starting Connection Extraction and Campaigns is easy! We just need a few details from you to get you started with this feature and help you convert your LinkedIn company followers into paying clients.

Don't wait! Leverage the power of your network and unlock the potential of targeted outreach with LinkedoJet's Connection Extraction. Book a demo with us today to learn more! 

P.S. Have any questions or want to discuss your LinkedIn outreach strategy? Drop us an email at and we will be happy to schedule a call with you!

How to Turn Your LinkedIn Company Page Followers into Paying Clients: LinkedoJet’s Connection Extraction

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