
LinkedIn Account Based Marketing

LinkedIn Account Based Marketing (ABM) Guide: LinkedoJet 

Varun April 22, 2024 10 min read

Account-based marketing is a strategic approach that is transforming B2B marketing efforts. Rather than casting a wide net, it focuses on engaging with specific high-value accounts. ABM is deemed crucial by 92% of B2B marketers because it enhances personalization, fosters sales and marketing alignment, and boosts the likelihood of conversion.

LinkedIn emerges as an indispensable platform for executing ABM strategies, leveraging its robust targeting capabilities and trusted professional network. This guide explores measuring Account-based marketing success, implementing ABM on LinkedIn, employing tiered outreach tactics, harnessing platform features, and continually optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

Lead Generation Tool

Unlocking Opportunities: How LinkedoJet Can Help You Target Expatriates Effectively

Varun April 19, 2024 3 min read

In today’s globalized world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to expand their reach and target specific demographics. One such group that presents a lucrative opportunity is expatriates—individuals living and working in a country different from their native one. Whether you’re a financial advisor, a real estate professional, or a part of another industry looking to tap into this market, understanding how LinkedoJet can help you target expatriates effectively can significantly boost your success.

LinkedIn data scraping

How to scrape LinkedIn data and Use it in Your Campaigns?

Varun April 19, 2024 5 min read

In the year 2023, the world generated approximately 120 zettabytes (ZB) of data. If we break down the numbers, it would amount to roughly 337,080 petabytes (PB) of data created every day. To put this into context, there are approximately 5.35 billion internet users globally, which means that each user generates about 15.87 terabytes (TB) of data per day.

This figure is projected to rise by nearly 19% over the next five years. For businesses, this data pool is a goldmine of information, particularly when it comes to B2B lead generation. One platform that stands out in this regard is LinkedIn. With over 1 billion users, LinkedIn offers a wealth of data for businesses to leverage. But how can businesses effectively scrape this data and utilize it in their campaigns? Let’s explore.

Automated marketing campaigns

How to Measure the Success of LinkedIn Automated Marketing Campaigns?

Varun April 6, 2024 11 min read

In the competitive world of professional networking, LinkedIn stands tall as an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to magnify their online presence. Recognizing this, leveraging LinkedIn Marketing Automation Tools for automated marketing campaigns has become a cornerstone strategy for companies. These campaigns, extensively supported by LinkedIn’s own Marketing Labs, LinkedIn Help Center, and insightful updates from the LinkedIn Blog, strategically encompass objectives like Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion through a variety of ad formats such as Sponsored Content, Sponsored Messaging, Dynamic Ads, and Text Ads.

Digital marketing companies

How Digital Marketing Agencies Acquire New Clients Using LinkedIn?

Varun April 5, 2024 5 min read

Client Acquisition Strategy for Digital Marketing Agencies  As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so does the competition in the digital marketing industry. For these agencies, the quest to acquire fresh clientele is a never-ending journey. This article unravels the secrets of using LinkedIn as a medium to attract and secure new clients. The Challenges… Continue reading How Digital Marketing Agencies Acquire New Clients Using LinkedIn?

LinkedIn Automation Tool

From Connections to Clients: Converting LinkedIn Leads with Smart Automation

Varun March 30, 2024 6 min read

In an era where LinkedIn’s vast network surpasses 546 million members, embracing LinkedIn Automation Tools for converting connections into valuable business opportunities is increasingly becoming a necessity. Despite a multitude of connections, the leap from connections to clients on LinkedIn requires a refined strategy, leaning heavily on trust built through competence and ethics, where LinkedIn Lead Generation Tools play a pivotal role.

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